AGK Classic – On Linux (geany64 bug fix)

When trying to get AGK Classic to work on Linux you might encounter the following error message upon launching it from steam.

Oh no, error! ๐Ÿ™

For some reason the file geany64 has not been downloaded/installed, there is a simple hack/fix to resolve this issue. Close the error dialog and right-click on AGK Classic in your Steam library, select Browse local files.

Right-click, select Browse local files.

This should open up your file browser, now browse to Tier1 / Editor/bin folder, select the geany file.

Browse to Tier1 / Editor / bin.

Click on the file, and press F2 to rename it. Add 64 to the end of the name.

Rename geany to geany64; I’m sure this means it’s running the 32bit version instead of the 64bit version, however, upon relaunching the application within Steam it loads!
Much Success!!

I’ve loaded a project and ran it successfully. If you are coming from the windows version another gotcha is file names are cases sensitive in Linux (whereas in Windows it doesn’t matter). If an existing project doesn’t load or is missing media check the file names are the same case in your code. Also, make sure the media folder is lowercase.

AGK Studio doesn’t have an error upon launching; so you could use that instead. ๐Ÿ™‚